truth seven.
Written by: Candi Cylar
I asked myself how many times do I have to keep going back to this question…What is your why?
As I reflect to earlier this year, I started something that I didn’t realize would lead to a journey of my mind, body and spirit. I had seen a Ted Talk by Stacey Abrams on Success and it reminded me of my why. She noted three simple questions we must ask ourselves. I stopped to ask myself:
· What do I want?
· Why do I want it?
· How do I get it?
My goal was to live a healthier life now so as I got older, I would have a better quality of life. The first thing I needed to do is get gut healthy. We carry so much in our gut. When our gut is healthy, we sleep better which results in clarity and agility in our thoughts. A healthy gut contributes to a strong immune system, brain health, heart health and improved mood too.
For the body to come into submission of this lifestyle change, my mind and spirit had to align. As with anything, it took time. You must put in work and you have to push yourself at the right times to go harder.
I was recently gifted a book titled, Gift of the Red Bird by Paula D’arcy. (very good read) She speaks of what she was learning in this pivotal moment in her journey. “To rest when weary. To stop eating when full. To walk away when saturated. I am learning to hear myself.” Yes! Thanks for the reminder. Since I started this journey in January, there have been so many lessons learned. I so often forget these things that will ultimately send you spiraling if you don’t pay attention.
I am learning to question my motives. I have pure intentions in what I do but the question is, is it my doing or God doing through me? This part of self-care can’t be missed! If we are constantly doing, doing, doing, not only is it causing exhaustion but are you even being effective. (Ok, a whole discussion for later.)
Bottom line, I have to remember to ask myself the questions in order to stay aligned. (I know I am preaching to myself.) What’s your why?