truth six.
Written by: Candi Cylar
When everything is going good and one little thing sends you spiraling, whether it’s travels that throw you off your schedule, emotional trauma, or just plain ole exhaustion. This month has been quite busy and my workout schedule, eating habits and water intake have been totally off. Perhaps I was experiencing some burnout or maybe I was just stuck.
Sometimes we just need a moment to reset and remember the why. That may cause for a pause…but the key is not to stay stuck. So how do you become unstuck? Glad you asked…
1. My go to is always – PRAYER. Taking time to really have a conversation with God. Not just you doing all the talking but pausing for moments to hear from God, think things through…just be still. Ask God to help you determine what is going on – why do you feel stuck. It may be that you are battling negative thoughts, struggles in a relationship, frustrated with work, or health issues. The first step is admittance.
2. Think of one thing or area of your life that you would like to handle differently. Change takes time and get overwhelming if we try to do too much too fast. Just start with one thing, get that started and then move to the next.
3. Find an accountability partner. Someone that you can have recurring check-ins. Be clear with them about your goals and expectations. This person will hold you to your word, encourage you and call you on your stuff when you start making excuses.
4. One small step may not seem like a big thing, but it’s actually huge. If you can succeed at that first step, you’re ready to take the next one, and the one after that. Your accomplishments should be celebrated! Find a way to celebrate.
5. Remember what motivates you. I am a representative of God’s reputation. This is my motivation, knowing that someone is dependent on me being unstuck so they don’t get stuck.
We all get stuck, but the key is becoming unstuck. Are you ready?